Block 25 - Carrie Nation |
This is the 25th block in our weekly series. I'm happy to keep up. I'm continuing to use up scraps from my stash. The little pieces for the yellow came from my waste basket.
My sewing room is a mess today. Fabric and little treads everywhere so I will be cleaning that up. Seriously ...how can a woman make such a mess in so little time?
The block was foundation pieced and then the sections were hand pieced together as I watched a movie with my hubby last night.
Basically, it's a double 4 patch. If you have EQ you can find it there. If you have Blockbase it's block 1105.
Every time I make a block and foundation piece with the foundation piecing papers I get on EQ, the blocks come out just a wee too small, so I'm trying something different. I'm asking EQ to print out the foundation papers at 8.1 inches instead of 8 inches and it's working. I have a perfect 8.5 inch square, not 8.25 as it had come out in the past. Yes, I know to make a quilt they should all be the same size, but I just had to know if this would work.